Welcome to Moosters Meadows - home of Irish Dexter Cattle! We strive to breed a truly dual purpose Dexter, providing both excellent beef and milk. All of our Dexters are purebred and registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association (ADCA). We'll be blogging about what goes on here on our little ranch in Wyoming and life with Dexters. Feel free to visit our website as well.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Miss Mulgwen and her new little golden boy.  After losing her calf last year, we worried about her since she was a bit late delivering again.  He's a healthy young bull, so we needn't have worried.

He's really good at hiding and disappears easily between two tumbleweeds --

And, although Luna's little Tooie (for "he's a Stewie too" that got shortened to Tooie) is almost a week old, today was his first real adventure outside the corral.  We put them out a few days ago, but he apparently liked the cushy life so well that he came back in under the gate.  This time he's enjoying the adventure!

And here's Dance Partner - certainly a momma's boy.  Resta is such a good mom!


  1. Congratulations! Y'all have had a wonderful Calving Season! That newest little charmer is absolutely adorable!

  2. Vicki and Chris,
    won't see you at the AGM, am thinking of you and will miss you both.
    We have had a good calving season with healthy babies. Too many and am reducing herd dramatically.
    Couldn't get to your site before, it is beautiful.
    More later-
    Travel safe,
