Welcome to Moosters Meadows - home of Irish Dexter Cattle! We strive to breed a truly dual purpose Dexter, providing both excellent beef and milk. All of our Dexters are purebred and registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association (ADCA). We'll be blogging about what goes on here on our little ranch in Wyoming and life with Dexters. Feel free to visit our website as well.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A functional set of corrals

It's taken five years to perfect, but I think in the last few weeks we've finally managed to get it all right.  Today, Chris and our good friend Jared, finished the last of the fine tuning in the corrals!

A gate in the alley way to the squeeze chute.  Often one of us walks behind the cattle to encourage them to walk on through the chute.  Before gate, it meant running all the way back around or climbing the not so sturdy panel to quickly get to the chute to help with whatever was being done.  Now - no more not so sturdy panels.  They are affixed to nice big posts.  No more climbing over because we have a GATE in the right place!
A new shed from Shelter Sheds.  It has lots of potential uses.  Those are two stalls that can remain open all the time for shelter from the elements or can be closed individually to keep a Dexter inside.  Then there is the large open area; for the moment, it's for shelter.  At some point, we'll use one corner as a stanchion area for milking/milk training. 

We also added a small corral within the corral for segration purposes.  The front panel and gate come off for shelter access, but can be quickly put back on.  Our "old panel and gate" pile is now practically non-existent.  Some of them have been waiting for use since we bought them with the property!  Trying to decide if they need to be painted to match the building or if that's truly over the top!  Our little building matches the big Morton building behind it - right down to the copper trim! 

There are many more gates in all the right places now - no more climbing the fences! It's taken climbing the same fence in the same place over and over to define where the new gates were to go. We are going to be efficient and functional!

And finally, a picture of Gypsy Dance from this evening.  She looks so tiny next to the other older heifers that she was playing with in the pasture.  Her counterpart with a new momma, Charlotte, is doing better and better.  Very few bottles now and more milk from not one, but two substitute mommas.  You have to love Dexters who accept just any old kid who needs a bit of nourishment!  You also have to love friends who will take your "kid" home with them and bottle feed and provide extra mommas when needed.  Thanks again and again Kristi!

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