Welcome to Moosters Meadows - home of Irish Dexter Cattle! We strive to breed a truly dual purpose Dexter, providing both excellent beef and milk. All of our Dexters are purebred and registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association (ADCA). We'll be blogging about what goes on here on our little ranch in Wyoming and life with Dexters. Feel free to visit our website as well.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Utah State Fair - One Week Later

One of the great things about going to a new show venue is meeting Dexter breeders that we haven't met before.  Utah State Fair was no exception and we're delighted to have made so many new Dexter friends. 

We were also thrilled by the sheer numbers of people who came through the cattle barn.  Traffic was non-stop and we had many opportunities to introduce our wonderful little breed to so many truly interested people!  Along with all those new folks came a whole new set of germs -- and I've been pretty well out of it all week with a massive head cold.  Since I'm rarely afflicted by the common cold (hurray for that!), I'm a total wuss baby when I do have one.  Thanks to Nyquil, Dayquil and Puffs Plus, I think I'm going to make it!

 Not many pictures were taken in the barn; seems like we were always busy!  There are actually five head of cattle in this photo.  Poor Stewie always seemed to be buried in the corner - no matter how many times we rearranged.  We continue to discuss how to make our display area look more inviting.  Ideas are always welcome.

We were very fortunate to have our helper and friend, Callie, along with us.  She is becoming quite the showman and is more help than we can ever say.  She won the Junior Showmanship class, then went on to show for us and for other friends as well.  We're really proud of her!
What a little professional!  She was competing with adults here; she and Stewie brought home the blue ribbon for bull calf in his class.  Stewie went on to win the Rosette for Champion Bull Calf.  We're really proud of them both.

Carnival also graced us with several Rosettes - she was Champion Junior Heifer and Reserve Grand Champion Female, despite her on again/off again bad behavior in the show ring.  We practiced earlier in the day so that she was comfortable with the ring.  When we were done, she was walking sweetly.  People, evening lighting, who knows?  She behaved well enough, but certainly wore me out!  We competed against some wonderful Dexters and breeders, so we felt really fortunate to have done so well in a few of our classes. 

And finally, we want to mention the activities and learning sessions that were sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Dexter Breeders Association.  This fledgling club (we are now members) is not a new association - we already have two of those nationally.  Rather, it's a group of folks dedicated to the breed.  You don't even have to be a Dexter owner to join.  It's a great way to meet and learn about how other breeders are doing things.  At the Fair, there were several classes that would benefit anyone.  Above is the class for the junior exhibtors on showmanship skills.  Lots of tips and practice.  A good time was had by all!

We can't wait to go back again next year!


  1. Congratulations! Glad y'all had such a wonderful time! I just hope you get over your cold really soon and get to feeling a lot better even quicker!

  2. Congrats! Sounds like y'all did amazing. Can't wait to see y'all in Missouri!
