Welcome to Moosters Meadows - home of Irish Dexter Cattle! We strive to breed a truly dual purpose Dexter, providing both excellent beef and milk. All of our Dexters are purebred and registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association (ADCA). We'll be blogging about what goes on here on our little ranch in Wyoming and life with Dexters. Feel free to visit our website as well.

Monday, September 3, 2012

So much stuff!

We filled the trailer full, then we hang things from the outside as well!  It's hard to believe that it takes so much stuff to take six Dexters to the Fair!
And just in case we forgot anything, there is always my favorite place - just outside the cattle barn - Sullivan Supply.  It's like a beauty supply store for our Dexters!  And they carry all the furnishings for their "home away from home" as well. 
Stewie and Luna liked their home away from home just fine.  Filled with a foot of pine shavings, an anti-stress mat for their feet; special hay just for the fair; a shower and a blow dry every day.  What more could a Dexter ask for?
Most everything got unloaded today for use or clean up or clean out.  Trailer is washed, filled with fresh shavings and hay and  ready to go.
'Tis the season!  After the stuff is cleaned up, cleaned out and reorganized, we'll pack it all back up and do it all again!

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