You see, we were certain that Woblommy was never going to deliver a live calf. She'd been tested as pregnant for the last two years - at every season! It appeared that she was afflicted with a "mummy calf" and her body always believed it was pregnant. So sure were we (and the vet and the sonogram) that there was a mummy in there that she was given a shot of Lutalyse a few months ago in an attempt to expel the mummy. No mummy - no heat. We just gave up and decided to schedule her for a trip to the freezer. Sadly so, because she was a very nice heifer.
She's always been slightly out of sync with her body condition. Often she looked too round, so we didn't give it a second thought as she continued to get rounder. In fact, so conditioned were WE to her odd look that when I noticed her getting a bit of an udder a few days ago, I even commented that she was getting a little "fake udder" to go with all of her other issues! Just shaking my head and thinking Poor Thing. Not Once did I even consider that she was carrying a live calf in there and that her udder wasn't just another permanently pregnant issue. What an amazing surprise! He's just adorable and really IS our last calf for 2012! Really.
Okay, that's it. I am totally convinced now. ANYTHING can happen with these varmints! I don't feel so bad about wingin' it, anymore! Ha! Congratulations! He so pretty! I hope the 'whole' story about him comes out really great for y'all!