Welcome to Moosters Meadows - home of Irish Dexter Cattle! We strive to breed a truly dual purpose Dexter, providing both excellent beef and milk. All of our Dexters are purebred and registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association (ADCA). We'll be blogging about what goes on here on our little ranch in Wyoming and life with Dexters. Feel free to visit our website as well.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It's not easy being green.........

We could use more rain - soon - but for the moment everything is still looking pretty green.   The herd is sure enjoying the green stuff in the meadow and access to the trees during the heat of the day.  We hope the moisture continues to arrive all summer long. The  hail and winds that have visited with the rain the last few times can stay away.  We're still waiting for the adjuster to come look at our roof from the blasted wind a few weeks ago.  Shingles were flying everywhere!

And to make things just a bit more challenging around here, we now have a new friend (or two).  Yes, we have a busy beaver who just loves to dam up the creek.  Last night was the third time Chris has torn out the dam.  We even saw the little rodent swimming in the water nearby and I just wasn't quick enough with the camera to get a picture. 

Chris got most of this dam broken up and now the water is flowing freely again.  Until we get the dam builder, we'll be doing this again and again......

We've had a few more births since we've been back from the AGM.  Rain Dance is a gorgeous little red heifer.  She was born in the rain, so naming her wasn't a problem!  That's Rominy Raya's new polled bull calf, "Curly," in the picture above.  He's awfully nice looking right now, so he doesn't get a steer tag quite yet.  He's polled and carries red, so we'll let him grow up a bit before making a decision about his future. 

Happy almost 4th of July!  We are looking forward to the barbeque and fireworks in Lusk tomorrow night.  The Friends of the Fireworks does an amazing job raising funds for this annual event.  This year Moosters helped a bit by donating Dexter burger for the fundraiser dinner and auction in April.  The least we could do because without private donations and fundraising, there are no fireworks - and that would be a shame! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Anxious to see more photos of that little red Heifer! We've got another month before April heads into the paddock for her first date with Artist. I only hope things go smoothly and safe.
