Welcome to Moosters Meadows - home of Irish Dexter Cattle! We strive to breed a truly dual purpose Dexter, providing both excellent beef and milk. All of our Dexters are purebred and registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association (ADCA). We'll be blogging about what goes on here on our little ranch in Wyoming and life with Dexters. Feel free to visit our website as well.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Everybody Loves a Good Fight...

This morning, like most every morning, I take a walk to the pasture to check on the girls and the calves.  It's usually early, so the deer and turkeys are often around as well and most of the time, it's live and let live.  Not being a turkey expert, I can still guess that it must be mating season in turkey land.  The boys apparently fight over the girls.

This is what was going on - two males dueling in the pasture.
This is the audience!  They called and kicked dust and generally behaved like a bunch of drunks at a bar fight.  Then they realized that the kids were watching too -- so they ran as far away as fast as they could go!
Still acting like total goofballs, but headed away from the fight.
Several of the girls just couldn't help themselves and had to go take another look.....

All in all it was really an entertaining morning!

***My apologies for the quality of the photos.  Usually I have the camera and my smart phone in my pocket when I go out for my morning walk.  This morning both had lower than low batteries, so I grabbed Chris' not so smart phone.  It did take pictures, so I guess it's not so dumb after all.


  1. Absolutely hilarious! I had to show Dwayne. Owners of a field over by our local Co-Op make sure nobody messes with the hundreds of Turkeys that hang out over there, year-round. He gets so hot under the collar! Not one single wild turkey around our hay field, yet. I'm working on him for a couple of the Bourbons! LOL

  2. That is beautiful country.l am in Appalachian of SW part via ,this place I bought was over grown cider ,very rocky .l cant seem to find help. I have cleared ,busted rock and done it the hard way I take pride in that.

  3. This is the first year we've had more than one male in the little flock. They've been really fun to watch while they do the strut in full Thanksgiving plumage! And Billy Bob, this is beautiful country! So lucky to live here.
