So, just for fun, today became a picture day so that we could be outside.
Above are Seanna and Carnival. Carnival is growing like crazy. Seanna is such a good mom.
Yanni, with her hay belly, comes running as fast as she can go when she spots the treat bucket. She's rather spoiled. Nothing stops her full out run when she knows a few treats are headed for "her" feed bucket.
She and Cinder disagree every day over ownership of the feed buckets. They eventually sort it out.
Just because they look so cute and are such good pals: Yellowstone on the left and Harper on the right. Harper is for sale, by the way. We think we might show Yellowstone this year. We'll decide after he loses some of that winter coat and we can get a real good look at all his stuff! Harper is such a nice little bull that we hate to sell him, but we can't keep them all - darn it! Not too many of our boys make it to bull status, so we think these two are particularly nice guys.
That is one BIG baby!